Hamlet on the Holodeck The Future of Narr
Janet Horowitz Murray
图像学研究:文艺复兴时期艺术的人文主题 (欧文·潘诺夫斯基(Erwin Panofsky)) (Z-Library)
Halo and Philosophy
Cuddy, Luke
Philosophy of Engineering, East and West (
Wei Zhi
The Game Console
Evan Amos
美学导论 (21世纪大学文科教材,复旦博学·[..]
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 (Software Studies)
Mark C. Marino & Ian Bogost & Nick Montfort & Patsy Baudoin & John Bell & Jeremy Douglass & Michael Mateas & Casey Reas & Mark Sample & Noah Vawter