当代法国思想五十年 上册 第2版 (高宣扬) (z-lib.org)
Drawing Basics and Video Game Art
Chris Solarski
论绘画 (阿尔贝蒂) (Z-Library)
Approaches to Videogame Discourse
Astrid Ensslin;Isabel Balteiro;
图像理论 (W. J. T. 米歇尔) (Z-Library) (1)
Tu Xiang Li Lun (W. J. T. Mi Xie Er ) (Z-
Wei Zhi
Exploring Videogames with Deleuze and Guattari : Towards an ...
Cremin, Colin(Author)
Game Art Art from 40 Video Games and Inter
Understanding Counterplay in Video Games (Routledge Advances ...
Alan F. Meades
I Am Error The Nintendo Family Computer
Nathan Altice
The Interface Effect
Alexander R. Galloway
Video Games and Social Competence
Kowert, Rachel
汉译世界学术名著丛书A1515 [法]梅洛-庞蒂-可见的与不可见的[..]
Bridging Literacies With Videogames
Hannah R. Gerber
Game Engine Architecture
Richard Lemarchand
Agency and Media Reception Experiencing Vi
图像学研究:文艺复兴时期艺术的人文主题 (欧文·潘诺夫斯基(Erwin Panofsky)) (Z-Library)
Tu Xiang Xue Yan Jiu Wen Yi Fu Xing Shi Q
The art of video games from Pac-Man to Mas
Vintage Game Consoles
Loguidice, Bill.,Barton, Matt.
Dan Pinchbeck
Understanding Machinima
Ng, Jenna
Game Analytics Maximizing the Value of Pl
Magy Seif El-Nasr
The Videogame Ethics Reader (Revised First Edition)
Jose P. Zagal
Film, Art, New Media: Museum Without Walls?
Dalle Vacche, Angela Dalle
Generation Xbox: How Videogames Invaded Hollywood
Jamie Russell
The matter myth
P. C. W. Davies
9780415577915 1..192
Newman, James;
Layout 1
Johnson, Phylis(Author)
Games of Empire
Dyer- Witheford
Wordplay and the Discourse of Video Games
Christopher A. Paul
Computers as Theatre
Brenda Laurel
The Machinima Reader
Nitsche, Michael,Lowood, Henry.
Inventing the Medium: Principles of Interaction Design as a ...
Janet H. Murray
Calleja, Gordon.
(Parallax Re-visions of Culture and Societ
Hypertext The Convergence of Contemporary
Missions for Thoughtful Gamers
Andrew Cutting
Philosophy and Technology II Information Technology and Computers ...
Philosophy and Technology II Information T
Imagery in the 21st Century
edited by Oliver Grau
Ganesh Rao (Cepha Imaging INDIA) 4866 2001 Oct 23 13:15:14
The Golden Age of Video Games
Dillon, Roberto.
Joystick Nation How Videogames Ate Our Qu
J. C. Herz
The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics (Oxford
詹姆斯·乔治·弗雷泽(Jomes George Frazer)
Picture Theory Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation (W. ...
Picture Theory Essays on Verbal and Visual
Narrative As Virtual Reality
Ryan, Marie-Laure
Rethinking Media Change The Aesthetics of Transition (Media ...
Rethinking Media Change The Aesthetics of
论摄影 : 插图珍藏本 (苏珊·桑塔格文集)
苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag) & ePUBw.COM
Quests Design, Theory, and History in Gam
Jeff Howard
Mapping Ideology (Slavoj Zizek) (Z-Library) (1)
Mapping Ideology (Slavoj Zizek) (Z-Library
Third Person Authoring and Exploring Vast
Pat Harrigan
Art and the Human Adventure: AndrŽ MalrauxÕs Theory of Art
Derek Allan
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games ...
Celia Pearce
Critical Play
Flanagan, Mary.
A Philosophy of Computer Art
Dominic Lopes